
Which devices can I use with the magicApp?

magicApp is available for iPhone, iPod, iPad and Android smartphones and tablets.

  • To download magicApp on the App Store, click here.
  • To download magicApp on the Google Play store, click here.

magicApp is currently supported on Android 4.4 or higher and iOS 10 and higher. This is subject to change in future as operating system updates become available.

How do I download magicApp?

You can download magicApp from the App Store on your iPhone, iPod or iPad and from Google Play on your Android Smartphone or tablet. The full name of the app is “magicApp Calling and Messaging”.

Note: If you are downloading on an iPad, you will need to search for apps native to iPhones only.

Why do I miss incoming calls on my iPhone/iPad/iPod?

In order to receive calls on your mobile Apple devices, notifications for magicApp must be enabled.

On your iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch:

  1. Navigate to your settings
  2. Select Notifications
  3. Select magicApp
  4. Ensure the Alert Style is set to Notifications, and Sounds are set to On
I uninstalled the magicApp from my device and then downloaded it again from iTunes/Google Play. Why are all my text messages gone?

When you uninstall the app from your device, all message history is deleted along with it. This cannot be restored.

Why am I not receiving text messages on my magicApp?

Text messaging to your magicJack telephone number must be coming from a 10 digit telephone number. Short codes (like banks and verification codes) will not work with magicApp.

How do I get text messaging?

Text messaging is provided with an active magicJack device subscription.  Once you download magicApp from the App Store or Google Play store, simply log in with your account credentials, and you can gain access to text messaging.  Within the app navigate to Messages, look for Enable SMS on the top right corner and toggle the button to enable text messaging. It may take up to 5 minutes for the change to take effect and have text messaging enabled.

If in case you are having magicJack device subscription with Canadian phone number, you will need to purchase SMS subscription from Companion magicApp. To learn more, please visit How to renew SMS for Canadian phone number

Note: For iOS (Apple) your App should be of Version 5.0.15 (2925) & for Android, it needs to be Version for you to be able to send/receive text messages. If you are running an older version, please update your magicApp using App Store/Play Store.

How much does text messaging cost?

magicJack device owners having US phone numbers can take advantage of text messaging for no additional cost. magicJack device owners having Canadian phone numbers, need to purchase SMS subscription and it costs $4.99 per year.

How do I send a text message?

Within magicApp, navigate to the Messages tab, and tap the top-right icon (iOS) or the bottom circular button (Android) to compose your text message.

Do my friends and family need to have magicApp on their phone to receive my text messages?

No, you can send and receive text messages to any US & Canadian mobile number.

Can I send text messages to other magicApp users?
Yes, you can send text messages to other magicApp users, provided other magicApp users have enabled or subscribed to SMS subscription.
Can I send text messages from my computer?

No, text messaging is only available via the iOS and Android versions of magicApp.

Can I send a group message?

No, you can only send a message to one telephone number at a time.

Can I send a picture/video message?

No, picture/video messages (MMS) are not available.

Customer care page is opened every time when running the App or after an upgrade.

To solve the issue, please perform the following check:

  1. Press Windows key+R.In the displayed dialog, enter cmd and hit Enter.
  2. In the “Command line” window, copy and paste the following line: dir "%USERPROFILE%.." and hit Enter.
  3. A list of files and folders will be displayed. One of them will be a folder (marked with in the third column) with the name of the user’s Windows login name. Two last columns will look like this:
    Test User
    where “Test User” is the user’s Windows login name.
  4. Look for the line without , but with “Test” (the part of the login name preceding the whitespace) as the name. It will be a file, and will have a size column filled, like this:58 Test
  5. In the “Command line” window, copy and paste the following line: explorer "%USERPROFILE%.." and hit Enter.
  6. A Windows Explorer window will open. Find the file from step 4, and rename it. For example, add an underscore to its name.
Can I use the magicApp on multiple devices?

For each magicJack Device subscription, you can have only one Companion App. While you can setup the magicApp on multiple devices, you cannot be logged in at the same time on different devices.

You can switch between devices with different Operating System (Android to Apple iOS or vice versa) just by logging in to the required device. By doing so, you will immediately be logged out from the previous device on which you are signed in.

How can I block certain incoming calls while using magicApp?

Yes, call blocking is available with magicApp.

You can easily block up to 99 telephone numbers. When a telephone number on your blocked number list attempts to contact you, they will receive a busy signal, and your phone will not ring.

Note that text messages will also be blocked when originating phone number is added to block list.

If you are using magicApp on Android/iOS device, you can enable and disable Call blocking from Settings menu in magicApp.

To directly add a Phone number to block list from magicApp, follow below steps:

  1. Login to your magicApp on your Android/iOS device
  2. Navigate to Call logs tab on the magicApp. Tap on the phone number for Android or tap on information icon for iOS, to see the Call Details screen
  3. On the Call Details screen, tap on Block to add that number to block list
  4. To unblock, click on Unblock icon on Call Details screen or navigate to Settings menu in magicApp and then check X symbol.

Editing blocked numbers

  1. Login to your account at
  2. Hover your mouse over the Call Features tab
  3. Click the Call Blocking option
  4. Click the Edit List option to view the full list of blocked numbers
  5. Add or Change a Nickname and click Update
  6. Remove a Number from the Call Block List: Click the “–” (minus) icon in the Add/Remove column to remove the associated telephone number.

Tips for blocking telemarketers

We recommend that you register your magicJack telephone number(s) on the National Do Not Call Registry (found at The National Do Not Call Registry allows you to opt out of receiving telemarketing. Most telemarketers will not call your number once it has been on the registry for 31 days.

If you continue to receive telemarketing calls after 31 days have passed, you can file a complaint on the website.

Can I dial 911 from magicApp?

Yes, we do support 911 calling from magicApp. However, make sure that you are using the updated version of magicApp. To download latest version of magicApp, please visit - the Apple Store or Google Play Store.

To make any changes to 911, navigate to Settings option on magicApp and look for Emergency dialing (911)

How can I manage call features from magicApp?
You can manage call features like voicemail, blocking calls, call forwarding from magicApp without logging into magicJack account website.
  • Login to magicApp with the user credentials
  • Navigate to Settings option in magicApp
  • Look for desired call features you want to manage and follow on screen steps to enable or disable.

Note: Call feature settings in magicApp will be available only on Android 12 and higher and iOS 14 or higher versions.