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Accessibility Feedback

Provide Feedback or Request an Alternate Format

To provide accessibility feedback, pursuant to the Accessible Canada Act, or to request a description of our accessibility feedback process in an alternate format, we recommend that you use our Online Accessibility Feedback Form. You can also contact us in any of the following ways:

Click here to access the Online Accessibility Feedback Form Email us at

You can submit your feedback anonymously. However, we may be able to better serve you if you provide your name, phone number, province and other details. This information will not be shared with any third party. By contacting us, you agree to the collection, use and storage of your personal information provided to us for the purposes of responding to you and improving our services.

Descriptions of our accessibility feedback process are available in the following alternate formats: print, large print, electronic format, or other agreed-upon formats.

For additional questions, please contact us at: 1-888-404-9629

Accessibility Plan