magicApp is available for iPhone, iPod, iPad and Android smartphones and tablets.
- To download magicApp on the App Store, click here.
- To download magicApp on the Google Play store, click here.
magicApp is currently supported on Android 4.4 or higher and iOS 11 and higher. This is subject to change in future as operating system updates become available.
You can download magicApp from the App Store on your iPhone, iPod or iPad and from Google Play on your Android Smartphone or tablet. The full name of the app is “magicApp Calling and Messaging”.
Note: If you are downloading on an iPad, you will need to search for apps native to iPhones only.
You must have the magicJack software installed on the computer. Do this by plugging the magicJack device into the computer and installing the software from the device, or via the links below.
To upgrade your dialpad software, please select your device type under the applicable operating system.
Click Here to identify your magicJack.
Windows Downloads:
- magicJack GO / magicJack EXPRESS / magicJack PLUS
- 2014 magicJack PLUS
- magicJack (Not compatible with Windows 10)
Mac Downloads:
In order to receive calls on your mobile Apple devices, notifications for magicApp must be enabled.
On your iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch:
- Navigate to your settings
- Select Notifications
- Select magicApp
- Ensure the Alert Style is set to Notifications, and Sounds are set to On
When you uninstall the app from your device, all message history is deleted along with it. This cannot be restored.
Text messaging to your magicJack telephone number must be coming from a 10 digit telephone number. Short codes (like banks and verification codes) will not work with magicApp.
Text messaging is a provided through the magicJack device subscription. Once you download magicApp from the App Store or Google Play store, simply log in with your account credentials, and you will automatically gain access to text messaging within the app.
magicJack device owners can take advantage of text messaging for no additional cost.
Within magicApp, navigate to the Messages tab, and tap the top-right icon (iOS) or the bottom circular button (Android) to compose your text message.
No - you can send and receive text messages to any US mobile number.
Yes, but note that text messages can only be sent to US telephone numbers.
No, text messaging is only available via the iOS and Android versions of magicApp.
No, you can only send a message to one telephone number at a time.
No, picture/video messages (MMS) are not available.